1967 Shelby Mustang INFINITY Insurance

  • City: Holualoa
  • State: Hawaii
  • Ad Viewed : 17 Times


67 Shelby Mustang Reward offered . INFINITY INSURANCE COMPANY OF BIRMINGHAM ALABAMA. NOT A TRUSTWORTHY COMPANY. If you are reading this and you have a policy with Infinity Insurance you may want to cancel it as it is not worth a plug nickel if you have a loss as we did. We had 4 classic Mustangs insured with this company and we had a loss and after over 2 and a half years they have done nothing to take care of our loss. Little did we know that what we thought was peace of mind for several years always paying our premiums on time did we know it would turn out to be a nightmare. So if you want peace of mind and you have coverage with Infinity you might want to find a trustworthy insurance company and if you are looking for a good Insurance Company then I would look elsewhere than with Infinity as they will do all they can not to take care of their policy holders. DANGER / BEWARE OF INFINITY INSURANCE COMPANY.